New perspectives through intercultural exchange
Strengthening German-African relations

As part of the AFRIKA KOMMT! initiative, talents from Africa come to Germany every year to build bridges between the African and German economies. Sofoneas Getachew took part in the initiative in 2018, with Bosch Power Tools as a partner company, and explains how it changed his life and his career beyond recognition.
Sofoneas originates from Ethiopia, where he worked as an account manager at an IT company. “I loved my job and felt comfortable in my home country, but I was curious to experience something new,” Sofoneas recalls. When he heard about AFRIKA KOMMT! from an acquaintance, he decided to apply. “Even the assessment center, which gave me the opportunity to fly to Kenya, was an extraordinary experience. It was incredibly exciting to meet applicants from all over Africa. Although we were in competition with one another, we still had a common goal and worked as a team.” Spurred on by these experiences, Sofoneas waited eagerly to find out whether he had been accepted. On his birthday, he finally received the call he had been waiting for. “It was the best gift of all,” he says with a smile.
Exciting insights into new ways of working

After a three-month stay in Bonn, during which the participants completed language courses, management training, and intercultural seminars, Sofoneas began his practical phase in sales at Bosch Power Tools. At first, there was a lot to take in. “So much was happening at once, and it was like I was on autopilot,” Sofoneas says. He found his first weeks exciting, but also challenging: “I wanted to deliver 100 percent performance, because I thought that mistakes would reflect badly on me and on the program as a whole. I had the feeling that people thought, ‘Hey, you are part of AFRIKA KOMMT!, so you must be one of the top talents Africa has to offer.’ I thought I was carrying the weight of the continent on my shoulders – and Africa is a huge continent.” When the program ended after a year, though, Sofoneas’ conclusion was overwhelmingly positive. “It was the best experience of my life, because I finally realized that not only did I benefit myself, I was also able to make a contribution.”
Formative experiences opening future prospects

A particular highlight for Sofoneas was the visit to Bellevue Palace, including meeting the Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier in person. “I particularly liked the fact that we also went on excursions as part of the program and were able to learn about German history and culture,” he recalls. Immediately after completing the 12-month program, Sofoneas was offered a job at Power Tools in Morocco, which he gladly accepted. However, inspired by the insights he gained during AFRIKA KOMMT!, Sofoneas had set his eyes on a new dream job: He trained as an agile master and is now working in Germany again. “It was fate,” says Sofoneas, who is now 30 years old. “I am very happy to be back and to be living my dream as an Agile Master at the Bosch Power Tools headquarters in Leinfelden.”
After completing the program, many of the former participants also find permanent roles at Bosch, just like Sofoneas. Others benefit from a wide range of career opportunities. Some return to their home countries to pass on their expertise to others in executive positions, while others implement their own business ideas. As a founding member of the initiative, Bosch has provided 51 young Africans with an insight into the company between 2008 and 2024 and has hired 33 program alumni. The exchange offers great opportunities for both sides: “We want to continue to strengthen business relations between the continents, as Africa is an important growth region for us as a company,” says Lennart de Vet, member of the management board of Bosch Power Tools, and sponsor of the program since 2019.

AFRIKA KOMMT! allows young professionals from Africa to gain deep insights into our company and contribute their own ideas and new perspectives – it’s a real win-win situation.
Building bridges between Africa and the German economy – that is the aim of the AFRIKA KOMMT! initiative, which was founded in 2008. The program opens up new perspectives for the participants, both personally and professionally. Companies also benefit from the expertise, local networks and specific African experiences of young talents like Sofoneas Getachew.