To drill with BOSCH Rotary Hammers, you need special
drill bits with SDS-plus shanks. Some hammers are supplied
with an additional quick-change chuck or keyed chuck.
These can replace the SDS-plus tool holder and hold
conventional drill bits with straight shanks. So that you
perform screwdriving tasks with your BOSCH Rotary Hammer,
you need a universal holder with SDS-plus shank. You
simply insert the screwdriver bits in the universal
holder. |
Besides SDS-plus drill bits, there are other tools,
that expand the range of applications of BOSCH Rotary
Hammers Core cutters drill holes with large diameters;
using the angle drill head, you can drill or hammer in
inaccessible spots. Pointed, flat, spade, gouging and tile
chisels have shapes that are optimised for each material
to be processed and area of application. |