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Bosch Power Tools

Supply chain

Based on a shared understanding of ethical and sustainable action, we, as part of the Bosch Group, want to find answers to the global social and ecological challenges of our time together with our business partners.

Responsible supply chain

In order to enable the majority of our suppliers to use their resources as efficiently as possible, we do not influence the choice of the respective CO₂ reduction measures, but strive to reach corresponding target agreements with our suppliers. We aim to achieve improvements in their CO₂ performance through general target agreements, based on valid and transparent data on CO₂ emissions via the CDP platform and preferably in conjunction with a specific SBTi voluntary commitment. This approach has a direct effect on our upstream CO₂ emissions (Scope 3).

A man in a high-visibility vest stands between freight containers.
Shot of a river in the middle of a green landscape from above.


Via the CDP platform (Carbon Disclosure Project), we receive detailed data on the CO₂ emissions relevant to us (scope 1, 2 and 3) from the majority of our business partners. Based on the data collected, each participating company receives a CDP scoring that reflects its environmental performance. At Bosch Power Tools, we have already recorded 85 percent of our purchasing volume via the CDP since the end of 2023. This information is updated annually in order to improve measures to reduce carbon emissions.

Image of ice floes in the sea from above.


Through the voluntary SBTi commitment (Science Based Targets initiative), companies set themselves scientifically sound and publicly visible targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this way, companies demonstrate their willingness to actively contribute to climate protection and align their business practices with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.

In 2023, we at Bosch Power Tools have already sourced more than 25 percent of our purchasing volume from suppliers who have committed to specific CO₂ targets. By 2030, we want to achieve more than 50 percent of our purchasing volume.


Since 2023, Bosch Power Tools have registered more than 60 percent of all its production facilities with SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange). SEDEX is a private member organization whose objective is to keep the supply chain socially and ecologically responsible, create transparency, monitor working conditions and assess potential risks. Our target is to sign up all our production facilities around the world by 2025.

Learn more

Here you can find more information about our sustainability approach and the strategic pillars.