Data protection information for Scintilla AG “Experts Share EXPERT”  

This data protection notice explains how we handle your personal data when you enter our prize draw / contest. For more information about processing of your data on the website where the sign-up form and content sharing form are located, please refer to []   

(1) Controller, Contact. The Controller under data protection law for the prize draw is Scintilla AG, Luterbachstrasse 10, 4528 Zuchwil, Switzerland (hereinafter Scintilla“ or “we). Email: 

For some processing activities, we can act as Joint Controller (according to Article 26 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union)) together with other entities that are part of the Bosch group including but not limited to Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH Max-Lang-Strasse 40-46, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany. Additionally, some data might be shared between multiple Bosch entities acting as independent Controllers. Please refer in both cases to the section “Data exchanges within the Bosch Group”, to learn more about processing activities in which we process your personal data jointly or independently with other Bosch entities. 

Important note for Data Subjects in the United Kingdom: Any references to the GDPR outlined in this data protection notice means the UK GDPR for Data Subjects inside the United Kingdom. The UK GDPR means the retained EU GDRP as it forms part of the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and the Data Protection Act 2018. 

(2) Processing of personal data. Within the scope of the prize draws / contests, the following personal data of the participants will be processed: 

- Name, first name 

- e-mail address 

- Specification of processing material (in order to ship the right sample accessories prizes) 

- Specification of the product application (in order to personalize the marketing communication when you voluntarily register for the newsletter) 

- Specification of the trade (in order to personalize the marketing communication when you voluntarily register for the newsletter) 

- social media post URL/s and the content of the social media post (to select the best video testimonials) 

- shipping address (in order to ship the prize to the selected winners) 

- phone number (in order to ship the prize to the selected winners) 



(3) Purpose of processing. This data is collected, processed and used for the following purpose: 

- Implementation of the prize draws and shipment of the prize 

If you consent to marketing email communication: 

- Personalization of the marketing content 

- Invitation to participate in future contests 

- Contacting for market research purposes and usability tests 

- Consultation in personal service matters (e.g. dealer search) 

- Building a customer profile 

(4) Legal basis. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 31 para. 2 let. a) FADP; If you are living in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, the legal basis for these processing activities are: 

Art. 6 para. 1 let. b) GDPR (contract - participation in “Experts share EXPERT” campaign),  

Art. 6 para. 1 let. a) GDPR (consent – marketing related processing you have consented to),  

Art. 6 para. 1 let. f) GDPR (legitimate interest - storage of data & some marketing usage); and  

Art. 6 para. 1 let. c) GDPR (legal obligation – fulfillment of legal obligation regarding storage of some data). 

(5) Necessity of provision. The provision of personal data is necessary for participation in the promotion. Possible consequence of non-provision is non-participation. 

(6) Data exchanges within the Bosch Group 

Joint processing of personal data 

For some processing activities, we process personal data jointly with one or multiple Bosch group entities under the GDPR regulation including but not limited to Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH Max-Lang-Strasse 40-46, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany. In these cases, the involved parties have jointly determined the purposes and the means of processing your personal data. The following table shall serve as an overview about potential processing activities under Joint Controllership in which multiple Bosch entities are involved. 

Processing activity 

Involved parties 

Description of the joint processing 


Us and all entities stated in the consent text you accepted (namely Scintilla and Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH) 

Your personal data collected via your registration to our newsletter is made available to all Involved parties. The database is used jointly to enable each individual party to send out newsletter or initiate other marketing activities as described in the newsletter registration form. The involved parties therefore process the data to improve their individual sales and increase their market presence. 

In addition to the responsibilities for the individual processing activities set out in the table above, the following applies: The involved parties shall provide you as data subject with the information required under Articles 13 and 14 GDPR in a precise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible form in clear and simple language free of charge. Each party shall provide the other involved party with all necessary information from its sphere of activity. The involved parties shall inform each other without undue delay of any data subject rights asserted by you as a data subject. They shall provide each other with all information required to respond to your requests for information. You assert your data subject rights directly against each involved party at any time. 

Independent Controllership 

If one of the parties mentioned above processes independently (for its own purposes) of the other party your personal data for the purposes stated in the table above, this is done under independent Controllership. Only the parties mentioned above might process your personal data in independent Controllership. In addition, for marketing related communication, we state the Controllership in each marketing communication itself. 

(7) Data transfer. The data of the participants will only be processed by Scintilla and Robert Bosch Power Tools GMBH as well as, if necessary, carefully selected and contractually obligated service providers for the purpose of sending the prizes to the winners. Please note that through possible liking and commenting and sharing, the social media platform operator gains access to your data. The platform operator itself is responsible for this under data protection law. We have no influence on which recipients the platform operator passes on your data to. The data recipients may also be located in third countries, which may have a lower level of data protection than in Switzerland and where data subject rights do not exist or cannot be exercised. Data processing by the platform operator is governed by their data protection notices. Scintilla is solely responsible for data processing in the context of the prize draw. 

(8) Duration of storage, retention periods. Principally, we store your data for as long as it is necessary to render our Online Offers and connected services or for as long as we have a legitimate interest in storing the data (e.g. we might still have a legitimate interest in postal mail marketing after fulfillment of our contractual obligations). In all other cases we delete your personal data with the exception of data we are obliged to store for the fulfillment of legal obligations (e.g. due to retention periods under the tax and commercial codes we are obliged to have documents such as contracts and invoices available for a certain period of time). For the purpose of this marketing activity, your data will be stored as long as there are contractual obligations to be fulfilled by Scintilla AG. Otherwise, your data will be deleted, at latest, 60 days after the campaign is over. 

(9) Reporting of data protection incidents, assertion of data subject rights. To report data protection incidents and to assert your rights, please use the following link:  

(10) Data subject rights. There is a right to information on the part of the controller about the personal data concerned and – insofar as the legal requirements are met - to correction of inaccurate data or to deletion, e.g. if the data is no longer required for the purposes pursued. There is also the right to restriction of processing and the right to data portability, insofar as the legal requirements are met. 

 (11) Objection to direct marketing. You may object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time. Please take into account that due to organizational reasons, there might be an overlap between your objection and the usage of your data within the scope of a campaign which is already running. 

Objection to data processing based on the legal basis of “legitimate interest”. In addition, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time, insofar as this is based on “legitimate interest”. We will then terminate the processing of your data, unless we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds according to legal requirements which override your rights. 

Withdrawal of consent. In case you consented to the processing of your data, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future. The lawfulness of data processing prior to your withdrawal remains unchanged. 

(12) Right of appeal to the supervisory authority. You have the right to lodge a complaint with a  

Data Protection Authority. To do so, you can contact the data protection authority responsible for your place of residence or your canton or the data protection authority responsible for us. This is: 

Office of the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner FDPIC 
Feldeggweg 1 
CH - 3003 Berne 
Telefon: +41 (0)58 462 43 95 
Telefax: +41 (0)58 465 99 96 


If you are living or working in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, you can lodge a compliant with the Data Protection Authority of the respective member state or the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) in the UK.  


(13) Data protection officer. For suggestions and complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, we recommend that you contact our data protection officer: 

Data Protection Officer 

Bosch Group Information Security and Privacy Department (C/ISP) 

P.O. Box 30 02 20 

70442 Stuttgart 






Status: August 2024